From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
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Controlling render features - Unreal Engine Tutorial
From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
Controlling render features
Now, usually by default, Unreal Engine provides pretty good rendering, but you can control all of the render features if you want. Let's just take a quick look at where to go if you need to adjust some rendering features. Now the first place to go is project settings. So if we go in to edit, project settings, it will go ahead and show you all the different settings, and the one we want to look for is under engine rendering. Click on that and this will give you all of the things that you can control in the renderer. Now a lot of these are based on how it works for things like mobile and that sort of thing. But we can go down to things such as global illumination, which is the overall lighting of the scene. Typically, we want to use lumen. That's the default. It's usually the best renderer, the reflection method. If you want to have reflections in your scene, typically you want to use lumen. But there are other ways to do it. And again, ray tracing, shadows. Do we have hardware ray…
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