From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
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Creating materials - Unreal Engine Tutorial
From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
Creating materials
Now let's create a material from scratch. I'm going to create a material that goes on this plane, and we're going to just do a simple tile floor. So if I go into my assets folder, you'll notice we have a textures folder. And in there, you should find a couple of textures that we will be using for this tile floor. So for example, a base color. So it's going to be kind of this black and white checkered floor. Now if we go into our materials folder here under assets, you may or may not have some materials in here, but I'm just going to right-click and create a new one. We're going to call that material and then just give it a name. We'll call it TileFloor_Mat. And then if I want, I can left-click and drag that to my floor. And obviously not much is going on there because I don't have it configured yet. So let's go ahead and double-click on this. And because it's a brand new material and not an instance, it will bring you into the material editor with the material graph. So let me size…
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