From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
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Optimization and LODs - Unreal Engine Tutorial
From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
Optimization and LODs
Many times when we work with assets, we'll want differing levels of detail depending upon whether that object is close to or further away from the camera. Now typically, this is called a LOD or LOD for Level of Detail. And so you can configure this on import as well as through the StaticMesh editor in Unreal. Now before we get here, let's go ahead and just hop over to Maya. And I'm just going to show you a tree that I have. And as you can see, this tree is basically a group with three objects underneath it. Now I've configured this so that when the tree is close to the camera, all the leaves are visible. As I move away, notice how it changes. We go to tree 1. So it has less detail. And then as I go even further away, it goes basically to a cone, which is even less detailed. So when it's close to us, we'll see it in full detail, but if it's further away, we won't need to worry about it and this will save on overhead. So I've exported this to an FBX file. Now FBX does support levels of…
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