From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Selecting objects

Selecting objects

Now let's start using Unreal Engine. So we're going to start off with just basic selection of objects in our level. Now we're working on level 02_02. If you want you can double-click on that in your levels folder and bring it up. And it should look something like this. Now if we want to select something, it's really easy. All we have to do is activate the select tool, which is this here, or we can hit the letter "Q" for select. Now the hotkeys for select, move, rotate, and scale are very similar to Maya. So they're at the top left-hand corner of the keyboard. It's "Q" for select, "W" for move, "E" for rotate, "R" for scale. Now we're going to get to move, rotate, and scale in just a bit. But let's just work with select. So I'm going to go ahead and activate that tool and let's select something. So I'm just going to click on this big old house. Now the house is actually called SM_Cabin. And you can see that here in the outliner, it highlights here. And this is actually the entire house…
