From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
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Volumes and post-processing - Unreal Engine Tutorial
From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training
Volumes and post-processing
If you want to fine-tune the look and feel of your scene, you can use what's called a post process volume and this gives you all sorts of post-processing effects. So what we need to do is add the volume to our scene and then we can work. Now a post process volume can work either on the entire scene or just on specific areas. So let's start with a specific area. We're going to go into add Visual Effects, Post Process Volume. And it brings in this little cube here, which is basically just a volume. Now I can move, rotate, and scale that. So I'm going to move that over my house and scale it up so that the volume completely encloses the house. There we go. So something like that. And then I'm going to go in on that patio so I can see this a little bit better. So maybe select this table, hit "F" to frame it, and then bring that camera out a little bit. So now my camera's inside that volume. And let's go ahead and select that PostProcessVolume and go into the details panel. Now in the…
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