From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Working with pivots

Working with pivots

When you rotate and scale objects, a lot of times you'll need to be aware of the pivot point of those objects. So here, let's just go ahead and select this table. And if I were to rotate it around its vertical axis, you could see it rotates around that center. But if I wanted to, say, maybe tip it up on its side, you'll see that while that pivot point or that center of rotation doesn't align with where I want to move that, we can change that using the move tool and middle-click. Now typically, middle-click moves the camera, but if you hover over the center of this move gizmo, middle-click and drag, you can drag that pivot to a new point. And if I rotate from there, you see it actually makes that table move. Now, one trick with this is that if you select a different object and come back to this, that pivot point will reset. Now we can change this in our current level by doing the exact same thing. So I'm going to go ahead and middle-click and drag that move gizmo out to where I want it…
