From the course: Using AI in Research Projects

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AI for in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group preparation

AI for in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group preparation - ChatGPT Tutorial

From the course: Using AI in Research Projects

AI for in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group preparation

- [Instructor] When we talked about AI for usability studies or heuristic reviews we're squarely in the UX research space. But the truth is that a lot of what we're talking about also falls into the realm of qualitative market research too. So regardless of the type of qualitative research we're talking about the approach to using AI for in-depth interviews or IDIs, and for focus group preparation is going to be similar. Sometimes individual interviews may make more sense and other times a group discussion could provide useful opportunities for brainstorming. Let's ask AI to consider what kinds of research questions may be useful for one versus the other. "ChatGPT, I want to talk with shoppers who go into a physical grocery store as well as those who shop for groceries online to learn more about what they'd want from a new grocery delivery service. What kinds of research questions will be good for in-depth interviews,…
