From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Avoiding common pitfalls

Avoiding common pitfalls

- There are a few pitfalls that can derail an otherwise good survey program. I'd like to share just a few. The first is what I call Low Score Freak Out. That's when you adjust your survey to make it more accurate and useful. You end up getting better data, but it also causes your average score to decline. Executives like it when survey scores are high, so they naturally freak out when they see a lower score. This is a tough challenge to overcome. So the best approach here is to control the message. Prepare executives upfront for the possibility that survey scores might decline a bit. Next, show executives how the new survey is better able to solve problems that impact the business. It's easy to get upset over a lower survey score, but most executives will be happy to see a survey that's really making an impact on their business. Any time you have an incentive for earning a higher survey score, or a penalty for a lower survey score, you run the risk of having employees try to Game the…
