From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview
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Analyzing user data
From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview
Analyzing user data
- [Instructor] The first technique we discuss in the series is collecting and analyzing user data. Without a good set of initial data, there's no way you can do user center design. Unless you know who you're designing solutions for, and what their problems are with the current way they complete their tasks, you won't be able to design a better way of doing things. The best place to gather user data is in the place where users do the tasks you care about. In the analyzing user data segment, we introduce the concept of site visits as a way of gathering rich, actionable user data. We also talk about how to conduct site visit observation sessions so that you get the maximum useful data without leading your participants astray. And yes, we will tell you exactly what you'll need the duct tape for as well. Then we show you a technique for gathering and organizing all of this user data so that you can extract the true pain points, the things that cause users problems today. Once you have the…