From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview

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Creating personas

Creating personas

- [Instructor] Personas are imaginary yet realistic and detailed descriptions of the users of your product. They provide a basis for design discussions by concentrating many pieces of user data into key focused, believable descriptions of your primary audience. Creating personas gives the team a shorthand way of describing who they're building things for. Rather than saying "the user," which could mean anyone, they focus on some set characters with specific attributes, means that the product development takes those personas' needs into account. Personas let the whole team get on the same page. By creating an explicit persona, you make the concept of the user concrete rather than elastic. That way the whole team is developing for a common set of user attributes, which leads to creating a much more consistent interface. Even if the persona you create is slightly different from reality, users will much prefer a consistent interface over an inconsistent one.
