From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview

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Understanding ideation

Understanding ideation

- [Instructor] Ideation techniques are tools you use to make sure you're designing the best possible solution, not just one that seems good enough. Ideation tools work by freeing people up to be creative, removing the normal constraints that are put in place around development projects. Even when we apply the constraints later, the act of thinking more broadly about the problem leads to better solutions. Those solutions are more likely to be truly beneficial to users rather than just being the best you can do by following the current design. Ideation is essential for getting input and agreement from the whole team. For teams of software developers, the technique has several benefits. Everyone on the team can propose new ideas regardless of their graphical skills. The group moves from individual ideas to consensus. People gain understanding of why certain ideas may or may not work. And everyone feels like they were involved in design decisions. That feeling of investment in the UI will…
