From the course: Virtual Selling for Sales Professionals

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Ditch the deck

Ditch the deck

- We often assume that learning is enough, that once we know something, we'll act on that knowledge. Too many sellers learn the facts, rather than strengthening their practice. Now that you've acquired knowledge of virtual selling, you must put it into practice. Eliminating distractions, doing your homework, creating a pre-call plan, asking deeper discovery questions and creating value and engagement, takes training and repetition. Learning new technologies takes dedicated time, skill and discipline. You need to put in the work. And despite all of that, your technology will fail. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. But when in doubt, keep it simple. People create connection. Technology is a tool to support you. Remember the story I told you at the beginning of the course, you are the master chef. Only you can put the love in the food. When your technology does fail, ditch the deck, connect with your…
