From the course: Virtual Selling for Sales Professionals

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The power of sales questions

The power of sales questions

- One of the biggest mistakes virtual sellers make is they jump straight to the demo rather than digging deeper into the customer's hopes, needs, and fears. Yesterday's salespeople merely needed to provide information. But today, buyers can find all the information they need online. So today's salespeople need to interpret that information, ask questions, and then spark an emotional need for their product. Want to create engagement and emotional connection? Ask questions, allow your customers to talk about their favorite subject, themselves. Done well and with deliberation, asking questions and listening can transform your understanding of your customer and the worlds they inhabit. As Calvin Coolidge famously said, "No one ever listened himself out of a job." Now there's four types of sales questions every virtual seller must ask. The first are what I call skin questions. Skin questions are surfacing. They're easy.…
