From the course: Windows Server 2019: DHCP and DNS

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Configure DHCP failover

Configure DHCP failover

- [Instructor] In Windows Server 2019, we have a high availability feature called DHCP Failover. Now in order to implement DHCP Failover, we need two DHCP servers. Now we've seen the installation of one DHCP server on DC-1, but I want you to know I have also installed DHCP on DC-2. Now let's take a quick look at DC-2. Here in the Server Manager I'm going to go to Tools and DHCP, and the main reason I want to go here is 'cause I want to show you that it's just been installed. Everything's been authorized, but I have no scopes. Alright, nothing there. Let's jump back over to DC-1. So again here in the Server Manager, we'll go to Tools and DHCP. And here in the DCHP manager we'll go ahead and click on IP version four and then when I right click, I want to show you there's an option to configure failover. And this'll take me into the configure failover wizard. First thing is it'll ask me which scopes I want to do a…
