From the course: Windows Server 2019: File Services
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Cryptography - Windows Server Tutorial
From the course: Windows Server 2019: File Services
- [Instructor] When it comes to securing data, there's a term that's thrown around a lot, and that term is encryption. When you go to secure your data, very often we say that we apply some form of encryption to that data. Well, in order for you to understand what that really needs, I think you should first have a really quick lesson here that I like to call Cryptography 101. Now, there's plenty of lengthy courses where you can get deep into the inner workings of cryptography, but I just want to give you the absolute basics of how it works so you can understand how encryption works within most operating system environments. So first of all, what is cryptography? Well, cryptography is the concept of applying some kind of algorithm to regular plain text which then converts it into cipher text. Now, an example of this is something that I know I used to do when I was a kid in school. I used to pass notes to a…