From the course: Windows Server 2019: File Services

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DFS overview

DFS overview

- [Instructor] When accessing a file share, users very often can do so by using something called the Universal Naming Convention, or UNC name, and they do this to access shared folder content. Now, many large organizations can have hundreds of file servers that may be dispersed geographically throughout that organization, and this can introduce a number of challenges for users who are trying to find and access their files efficiently. So, to help solve this, we have something called DFS, or the Distributed File System. Now, DFS can simplify the UNC folder structure by using something called a namespace. In addition, DFS can replicate the virtual namespace and the shared folders out to multiple servers within the organization, and this accomplished two things. It ensures that the shares are located as close as possible to the users, as well as giving the addition benefit of having fault tolerance on these network shares.…
