From the course: Windows Server 2022: DHCP and DNS
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Creating scopes - Windows Server Tutorial
From the course: Windows Server 2022: DHCP and DNS
Creating scopes
- [Instructor] I'm in my DHCP server, and I'm going to create a scope. A scope allows a certain range of IP addresses to be handed out to client computers. So I'll right-click on IPv4 and choose New Scope. You also have the option for IPv6. However, most organizations still use IPv4 for internal use. I'm going to call this Scope 1, but you can give it any name that works for you and a description, if you'd like, and now I'm going to put in the starting IP address. We need to make sure we're using a range of IP addresses that are not currently in use. Now, if there happens to be an IP address somewhere in the middle of our range, we can go ahead and set up an exclusion, but for now let's try to use a range that's not currently used. So I'll put in 21.200 as my starting address and .210 for my ending address. Now, you can see the length is the 24, /24, which is the subnet mask of 255, 255, 255.0 that you see directly beneath…