From the course: WordPress: SEO
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Add SEO info to posts and pages - WordPress Tutorial
From the course: WordPress: SEO
Add SEO info to posts and pages
- [Instructor] Now that we've configured the sitewide SEO settings, we can jump into arguably the most useful feature in Yoast SEO, and that's the ability to configure SEO for individual posts and pages. So let's go to one of our posts. I'll go to Posts and I'll click into A Cake Decorator's Essential Tools. We already have a title and content for this post, so it's just about ready. If we scroll down, we can see the Yoast SEO meta box which has a search engine results page preview, a readability analysis, and a place to put a keyword or keyphrase for this post. Let's start with the SERP preview. The title and meta description are what convince the user to click from the search engine results page over to our site, so they should be compelling. And right now, I see a Cake Decorator's Essential Tools, Topsy Turvy Cake Design, which is okay, but I think we can make this more compelling. Once you've given them your…