From the course: WordPress: SEO

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Complete Welcome Wizard

Complete Welcome Wizard - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: WordPress: SEO

Complete Welcome Wizard

- [Instructor] Once you install and activate the plugin, you'll see a setup wizard. Let's go through this to set up the essential settings. The first question is about what category best describes your site. This information helps search engines know what information is really important. We're going to select Small Offline Business, so Google knows our location is really important, but if you can order your products or services online, then I'd probably select Online Store. The rest of these are pretty self-explanatory. Next, we can select our homepage title, and you'll see this is made out of placeholders or variables. The default is the site title for your WordPress site with a separator and then your tagline. I have some default content here. So let's go ahead and change this. All of these can be updated later. So you don't need to worry too much about these. I have some more default content here for the homepage. So…
