From the course: WordPress: SEO

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Pro features

Pro features

- [Instructor] Everything we've covered in this chapter uses the free features within the plugin, but you may have noticed that there are some pro features. For an annual fee, you can get a ton of extra features and support the plugin author. If you like this plugin, getting the pro version has a few advanced features. Probably the most useful would be WooCommerce SEO if you have a WooCommerce store and a local SEO if you have a brick and mortar location, because they will help you get more traffic and sell more product, but before you make any purchases, I recommend you go through the Yoast SEO chapter for another approach to SEO and WordPress. Yoast has a lot more options. It's cleaner and I think you can get more mileage out of your optimizations using Yoast. And you should also make sure that you like the process of optimizing your posts. If you don't like that process, then these pro features probably won't help that…
