You call it manipulation. I call it engineering a preferred outcome. Po-tay-toe. Po-tah-toe. At the beginning of my workshops, I often mention a talk given by John Cleese to a group of creative professionals in London, 1991. Entitled ‘Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating,’ it discusses some interesting research on what psychologist Donald MacKinnon called: ‘Open and Closed Operating Modes’. I don’t imagine there’s much in the way of concrete scientific proof for such a way of looking at things. I couldn’t care less. It’s such a profoundly useful heuristic, I use it all the time. In a nutshell, it is this: Closed Mode - outcome-oriented, purposeful, slightly anxious to get the job done. Open Mode - relaxed, expansive, contemplative, and playful. Inclined toward curiosity and humour. When looked at in this way, it becomes clear that if we want to come up with ideas or solutions, Open Mode is the place to be. If we want to get sh*t done, we shift across to Closed Mode. Which is why my workshops tend to be so productive. I manipulate the attendees. I tell them up front, of course - I’m not a psychopath. In a recent workshop with a group of TV executives, we discussed the dynamics of a creative team that must be simultaneously outcome-oriented. Here’s what the Head of Production said about the experience: “When Clark worked with our Production Team, it was like having a secret weapon. His communication is assertive and leaves absolutely no room for misunderstanding. It was a gritty, transformative experience”. We also had a bit of a laugh. Everything that was said during the discussion was said for a reason. It was all very deliberate. And very manipulative, you might say. Po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe. Of course, you would never manipulate anyone - maybe you never pay anyone a compliment. Or buy someone a gift. In which case, I concede you may be the one person on the planet who doesn’t engage in such Machiavellian behaviour. I doubt it. I simply make sure my clients get the results they need. #facilitation #problemsolving #creativity
“A creative team [person] that must be outcome-oriented”. I feel seen Clark Ray 🙏🏻 If I’m narrating a corporate video, I’m BEING creative, delivering my client’s vision and message with creative flair, intuition, thoughtfulness and intelligence. BUT I’m also 100% aware that in a live session, with the client, director and scriptwriter listening in, it’s also down to me to DELIVER the desired outcome. Often the concept is fixed. The film is finished. My voiceover is the icing on the cake. 🍰 And no one wants icing that’s too sweet or sticks to the roof of your mouth. So I have to get it right. Fortunately, I usually deliver the desired outcome quickly and efficiently, saving the client precious time and reinforcing the value of my service. BUT if I’m working on a project for myself, coming up with the ideas myself, creating something from scratch FOR MYSELF - (podcast, video, BIG IDEA etc) then I’m a procrastinating wishy-washy ball of indisciplined chaos 😂
And then you can call it influencing, too…
Lets call the whole thing off...
Everything was summarized for me in the word "gritty" Clark. "'True grit' is making a decision and standing by it, doing what must be done." John Wayne. The human mind being a masterpiece of engineering, if we want to attempt to use it to its full potential and not just leave it sitting pretty in the box, we need to be developing our talents as masterful engineers. And if that means playing with open-closed light switches, so be it. You've got my vote. 👍
Open Close Open Close
All communication is manipulation. You have a desire that someone understands what you are trying to communicate, and you formulate what you say and do to further this attempt. You are trying to get them to see/ say/ think something that they would not see/ say/ think without your intervention. Plainly, it is all manipulation if any of it is.
Society gives "manipulation" a negative connotation ie. for machevilian purposes, but as you say we all influence / manipulate to an extent whenever we are in the company of others. "Lock the doors and no-one gets out until we have sorted out this mess." - a "closed workshop".
"Engineering a preferred outcome" Love it man. There is manipulation and manipulation. It depends on the intentions of the manipulator or the engineer:)) Also cool picture!
I really appreciated your time, expertise and individualism Clark. You’re definitely out of the box, which sits exquisitely in the TV world 💫
🎬 Director · Creative Director for business ▹ brands ▹ agencies · Video Production · The Creative Video Coach · Co-founder @ Swhype · Former publishing creative director
1yNow. This I like Clark. Not because I have some affinity with the word ‘open’… but more than that. Creativity is an untouchable, intangible thing. It’s just a c-word to describe an intricate process. Often without intention. But when you can manipulate that intention… Then you have a secret weapon. A transformative intentional experience. Summon the C-word. Shine the light Ray. Call the secret weapon. Manipulate the situation. Job almost done. 👏