Shooting Stars
The pressure is great for most hotel General Managers and that is because any hotel, big or small, are risky investments and the owners or management company want to feel that their property is in the right hands.
Not many onwers will get the GM hiring right the first time from opening. Over the years you might have seen many “shooting stars”, GMs who get appointed one after another only to fizzle and fail in that new property as a GM because they failed along the way to understand how departments operate, not just learn how they operate (there is a difference). They fail to understand how the GM sets the tone and culture of the property. They fail to learn how to motivate, coach and advise employees and managers.
Now for those who thinks the job is too much or it takes too long to accomplish the dream becoming a GM, I would advise that you either find another profession or, find a lesser role that would still get you in the role of GM later on, something that will give you time to fine tune your skills before moving up to your ultimate dream.
The key to being able to have a long career in this job is to really know how to manage people. And to do this, it takes time. Sometimes even years after you have become a GM, it is still not easy to manage people today......too many generations to deal with 😆
General Manager | MBA | International Hotel Awards