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View profile for Esteban Veintimilla

Co-Founder @ 1Mentor by QS Quacquarelli Symonds

Last week, I had the opportunity to participate as a panellist at the EduDigiTrends Conference at Universidad El Bosque. We explored the future of higher education and how artificial intelligence and data analytics are revolutionizing this field. 🔍 One of the questions I was asked was about how we foresee these tools transforming education in the coming years. The use of data and artificial intelligence have fundamentally changed many industries, and higher education will be no exception. Here are my reflections, inspired by Simon Sinek's Golden Circle: 🎯 The why: The purpose will always remain the same. Empowering people through education to develop their potential, foster innovation, and positively impact society. 🤖 The how: Artificial intelligence will help us personalize and dynamize teaching, evolving towards more flexible education models focused on lifelong learning. 📈 The what: Data analysis allows us to understand what we should be teaching. With data, we can now identify what society, industry, and students need. At QS Quacquarelli Symonds 1Mentor Inc., we design solutions that address the what and the how while always keeping our why in mind. We develop analytical tools to understand the labor market's needs and AI solutions that facilitate personalized learning paths and promote continuous skill development. 💡 I am excited about the future of education and how people are coming together in conferences like this to contribute to this transformative change. Thank you, Jorge Alberto Osorio, Natalia Ruiz Rodgers, Paola Jiménez Uribe, Parra Roman Natalia and the entire team at Universidad El Bosque for creating such valuable spaces for the industry. #FutureofHigherEducation #Education #ArtificialIntelligence #DataAnalytics #1Mentor

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Jorge Alberto Osorio Villa

Vicepresidente de Innovación / Chief Innovation Officer


Esteban Veintimilla hace ya dos años que 1Mentor Inc. y ahora desde QS Quacquarelli Symonds nos vienes acompañando en estos procesos de #educación #digital. Es un honor compartir contigo y con Paul Balcazar en estos espacios. Seguiremos haciendo proyectos juntos!!! gracias a ti por compartir!

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