Post2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU support reposted this
#COP16 COLOMBIA OUTCOMES 🍃 In the coming days, we will be sharing some of the key outcomes and milestone agreements from COP16. 🌏 In a landmark decision at COP 16, Parties adopted a new Programme of Work on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention related to indigenous peoples and local communities. This transformative programme sets out specific tasks to ensure the meaningful contribution of indigenous peoples and local communities towards the three objectives of the Convention ((a) the conservation of biological diversity, b) the sustainable use of biological diversity, and c) the fair and equitable sharing of benefits), as well as the implementation of the KMGBF. Through this Programme, rights, contributions and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities are further embedded in the global agenda. Parties also agreed to establish a new permanent subsidiary body on article 8j and other Provisions, with its modus operandi to be developed over the next two years. The new Subsidiary Body is expected to elevate issues related to the implementation of Article 8j and enhance the engagement and participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in all convention processes. A further decision was taken to recognize the role of people of African descent, comprising collectives embodying traditional lifestyles, in implementing the Convention and in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. GYBN Africa Post2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU support SA Biodiversity South African National Biodiversity Institute Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) UN Biodiversity African Wildlife Foundation