An exploration into rocket combustion stability by engineering CFD simulations
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An exploration into rocket combustion stability by engineering CFD simulations
Technical Leader - Academic, Ansys India-ASEAN | Bridging Industry and Academia | Research partnership | CAE in curriculum | Student team support | Faculty Development Program | Skill Development
9moThanks for sharing Abhishek Sharma ji
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Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) Combustion analysis simulation ...
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🚀 Just Released: Explore the Latest Findings from #CES! Section Category: Engineering Science CFD Modelling of Close-Coupled Gas Atomisation Process by Employing the Euler-Lagrange Approach to Understand Melt Flow Instabilities Jo Samuel J., Andrew M. Mullis, Duncan J. Borman Read now: #CloseCoupledGasAtomisation #ComputationalFluidDynamics #Compressibleflow #DiscretePhaseModel #EulerLagrangeapproach #UserDefinedFunction
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"Excited to share my recent project on modeling and simulating a bubbling fluidized bed reactor" I delved into the complex dynamics of gas-solid interactions within this reactor, gaining valuable insights into its performance and optimization. This project allowed me to apply my skills in Modelling,research and CFD techniques. Key findings include visualization of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in Fluidized bed reactor and to can make sure that there is fairly turbulent flow and investigate bubbling formation. This project open new horizons about multiphase flow and how can we model it obtaining interaction effects between phases and new models that can handle this phenomena. Tip : make video on 0.5X 😅 #CFD #ANSYS #FluidizedBedReactor #ChemicalEngineering #Simulation #Modeling #MechanicalEngineering
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Computational Fluid Dynamics -> Conjugate Heat Transfer -> Multiphysics Simulation Capabilities -> Cost Effective & Quick Turn Around Know more: Contact us for more info: #computationalfluiddynamics #cfdsimulation #fluiddynamicsengineering #engineeringsolutions #advancedsimulations #cfdmodeling #aerospaceengineering #thermalanalysis #automotivesimulations
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I love CFD! Ignition of liquid rocket engines is a challenging problem. One of several ignition methods is a torch ignitor, where hot combustion products are injected into a stream of reactants. Failure to ignite or flashback can occur when the flow rates are too low, and if flow is injected too late, pressure surges or detonation waves can destroy a combustor. Here we model torch ignition of a subcritical liquid-oxygen single element liquid rocket combustor with CONVERGE CFD. Detailed chemistry, large eddy simulation, and adaptive mesh refinement are used to efficiently model this complex process. How cool is this? Thanks to David Rowinski for providing this case. 🚀 🔥 #cfd #convergecfd
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In today’s #SimulationFriday video, courtesy of Dr. Sinan Demir and Dr. Pinaki Pal from Argonne National Laboratory, CONVERGE was used to perform large eddy simulations (LES) of methane-oxygen combustion in a full-scale rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE). Fuel and air enter the bottom of the RDRE chamber through separate discrete injectors, initiating multiple reaction waves. The video also shows the unrolled mid-plane of the RDRE chamber, which displays the quasi-steady-state behavior with sustained propagation of three quasi-detonation waves. CONVERGE’s SAGE detailed chemistry solver accurately captured the complex chemical reactions occurring during detonation in addition to the combustion processes inside the engine. Our Adaptive Mesh Refinement accommodates the complex movement of the combustor for computationally efficient CFD simulations of RDREs. Interested in learning more about how CONVERGE can simulate rotating detonation engines (RDEs)? Attend our May 15 webinar! #CONVERGECFD #CFD #fluiddynamics
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🧪Experimental Flow vs CFD Simulations in a Clean Air System STZ EURO conducted a fascinating study as part of a thesis project. The goal was to investigate the accuracy and correlation between experimentally determined flow conditions and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations within a clean-air system. They developed a specialized experimental setup to analyze and compare the two approaches. This comprehensive study explored the intricate flow patterns, vortex formations, and air circulation dynamics within the clean air system. Visualization techniques, such as smoke wands, allowed for the capture and analysis of complex flow behaviors. The findings from this research project have significant implications for optimizing clean air system designs, improving energy efficiency, and ensuring the highest levels of cleanliness and contamination control in critical environments. #CleanAirSystem #Experiment #NumericalSimulation #CFD #FluidSimulation #Experiment #Measurements #FluidMechanics #Cleanroom #FlowVisualization #AirVortices #Vortex #Flow #Efficiency #Labortory
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In today’s #SimulationFriday video, courtesy of Dr. Sinan Demir and Dr. Pinaki Pal from Argonne National Laboratory, CONVERGE was used to perform large eddy simulations (LES) of methane-oxygen combustion in a full-scale rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE). Fuel and air enter the bottom of the RDRE chamber through separate discrete injectors, initiating multiple reaction waves. The video also shows the unrolled mid-plane of the RDRE chamber, which displays the quasi-steady-state behavior with sustained propagation of three quasi-detonation waves. CONVERGE’s SAGE detailed chemistry solver accurately captured the complex chemical reactions occurring during detonation in addition to the combustion processes inside the engine. Our Adaptive Mesh Refinement accommodates the complex movement of the combustor for computationally efficient CFD simulations of RDREs. Interested in learning more about how CONVERGE can simulate rotating detonation engines (RDEs)? Attend our May 15 webinar! #CONVERGECFD #CFD #fluiddynamics
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Rotating detonation engines are cool. Using CONVERGE, Dr. Sinan Demir and Dr. Pinaki Pal (Argonne National Laboratory) performed a large eddy simulation (LES) of methane-oxygen combustion in a full-scale rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE). The first view shows the initial transient phase when the RDRE is ignited using a pre-detonator tube containing a stoichiometric methane-oxygen mixture (spark-ignited at the far end). Fuel and air enter at the bottom of the RDRE chamber through separate discrete injectors (shown in black and gray, respectively). Multiple reaction waves are initiated in the RDRE combustion chamber, and the combustion products are exhausted from the other end of the chamber. The second view, which corresponds to the unrolled mid-plane of the RDRE chamber, shows the quasi-steady-state behavior with sustained propagation of three quasi-detonation waves. This simulation accurately predicts both the number of waves and the wave speed. CONVERGE’s Adaptive Mesh Refinement enables computationally efficient, high-fidelity CFD simulations of full-scale RDEs. #cfd #convergecfd
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🦃🍗If you did this CFD simulation, what would be the definition of your success metric 😂 are you measuring Fourier number and Biot number!? 😂 “In the study of heat conduction, the Fourier number is the ratio of time, t, to a characteristic time scale for heat diffusion, t_diff. This dimensionless group is named in honor of J.B.J. Fourier, who formulated the modern understanding of heat conduction. The time scale for diffusion characterizes the time needed for heat to diffuse over a distance, L. For a medium with thermal diffusivity, alpha, this time scale is L^2/alpha, so that the Fourier number is t/td = alpha t / (L^2). The Fourier number is often denoted as Fo or Fo_L” Happy thanksgiving #cfd #thermodynamics #heattransfer #engineering #mechanicalengineering #meme
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Associate Professor at University of Waterloo
9moGreat work, Abhishek! Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well.