Save money, increase productivity and help the environment all at the same time? 🤔 It may sound impossible, but it's doable with ABICOR BINZEL's EWR 2 gas management system. This system precisely regulates the use of shielding gas, ensuring that you use only what's needed. The result? Consistent gas coverage for top-quality welds, while reducing shielding gas consumption by up to 60%! 😎 This not only saves your company money, but it also reduces CO2 emissions – a true win-win for your business and the planet. 🤝 ▶️ Watch our video to hear insights from one of our experts on the EWR 2: #welding #manufacturing #gasmanagement
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XI Sectoral Plan for Marine Resources – XI PSRM The decree published this week by the federal government, which approved the sectoral plan for marine resources, indicated progress in the guidelines on the shared use of the maritime environment. These guidelines are essential for Brazil's energy sector. Offshore fields produce more than 97% of Brazil's oil and 84% of its natural gas. The coast should also receive offshore wind generation projects in the coming years. One of the document's objectives is to advance the implementation of Marine Spatial Planning (PEM) by 2027. This plan aims to organize economic activities and mitigate potential conflicts. Coordinated by the Navy, with the participation of the MMA and Ibama, the PEM began in the South region and will advance to the others in the coming years. One of the concerns of the offshore wind power generation sector during the processing of the legal framework in Congress was the conditioning of these projects to the conclusion of the PEM, which could delay investments. Another important objective of the plan is to encourage the creation of databases and integrated systems with the availability of public information. Data collection should be one of the following steps for developing offshore wind power. The document also promotes studies and research on the mineral potential on the Brazilian coast. Its objective is to “expand knowledge, assessment, and development of the sustainable use of mineral resources and allow the signing and maintenance of the contract with the International Seabed Authority.” Brazil is one of the 32 countries favouring a moratorium on exploring the international seabed.
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This Circular is revised to advise that the St. Kitts and Nevis International Ship Registry has decided to implement early the amendments to Appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI – Information to be submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database, on a voluntary basis, starting from 1 January 2025, hence the SEEMP should be revised before that date, and the data shall be collected and reported as per MEPC.1/Circ.913 for the calendar year of 2025 onwards. Read more at:
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Check out the latest edition of SEPA News! | Southeast Propane Alliance
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Interesting discussion of NHVdil (BTU/sq.ft) used in NSPS OOOOb based on reference in 40 CFR 63 subpart CC.
Btu per SQUARE FOOT? What the heck is EPA’s Flare Dilution Factor?
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MC 134 24 - Early Application of Amendments to SEEMP PART II and Reporting of Revised Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data - Revised #SKANReg would like to inform you that this Administration has issued a revised Maritime Circular MC 134 24 related to the early application of MARPOL amendments to SEEMP PART II and reporting of revised ship fuel oil consumption data. Following the consideration of comments received from the Recognised Organisations on the anticipated difficulties that the ROs might experience in the implementation of the subject amendments earlier, starting from the 1st January 2025, this Administration decided to amend its instructions and invite all parties involved to proceed with the proposed early implementation of the amendments on a voluntary basis. A copy of the revised Circular is attachment to your attention. #skanregistry #stkittsandnevis #shipregistry #maritimeindustry #MARPOL #shippingindustry
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Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) has decided to implement early the amendments to Appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI Information to be submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database, on a voluntary basis, starting from 1 January 2025, hence the SEEMP should be revised before that date, and the data shall be collected and reported as per MEPC.1/Circ.913 for the calendar year of 2025 onwards. For those ships not early implementing the amendment of Appendix IX, the SEEMP shall undergo verification to incorporate the new required information/methodology before 1 January 2026 and the data shall be collected and reported as per MEPC.1/Circ.913 for the calendar year of 2026 onwards. Resolution MEPC.385(81) (Low-flashpoint fuels and other fuel oil related issues, marine diesel engine replacing steam system, accessibility of data and inclusion of data on transport work and enhanced granularity in the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database (IMO DCS)), includes the amendments as an Annex.
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INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN BUNKER DELIVERY NOTE (BDN) LATEST AMENDMENT TO MARPOL ANNEX VI, APPENDIX V 2024. Effective from 1 May 2024, amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, Appendix V require additional information on bunker delivery notes (BDNs). Adopted by the MEPC, the changes mandate that BDNs now include the flashpoint of fuel oil, either as a specific value (if measured at or below 69°C) or a statement confirming the flashpoint is at or above 70°C, in compliance with ISO 2719:2016 standards. The flashpoint limit remains at 60°C for most fuels, except for emergency generators, where it can be as low as 43°C. Many suppliers have already started including flashpoint details, although caution is advised with lesser-known suppliers who may not yet comply. Additionally, MSC 106 has aligned SOLAS Chapter II-2 with these changes, requiring a pre-delivery declaration of conformity by 1 January 2026. Shipowners should review their practices to ensure compliance with these new requirements.
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Check out the latest edition of SEPA News! | Southeast Propane Alliance
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