💥 Ability in Agriculture - Independent Report Launch 💥 December 3rd 2023 Today is International Day of Persons with disability. This IDPWD we thought we'd launch our first independent report uncovering insights into the support, adaptations, current perceptions and the road forward for disability inclusion & adaptions in agriculture. Why? The Ability Agriculture Foundation undertook this survey for a few reasons: -there is limited published data on farmers or agricultural workers with disability in Australia, further there is limited understanding of agricultural accessibility and the major barriers to inclusion or accessibility in agriculture and our rural communities -our industry and broader society do not have baseline metrics on the disability confidence or inclusion of our agricultural industry from settings of employment, agricultural services, awareness & access to resources -a need for greater understanding to the adjustments, supports, resources & adaptions in rural areas for individuals, agricultural workers & employers to build inclusion and agricultural accessibility Over the next week we will post some of our key statistics these may be the first baseline for Australian agriculture. These may be some statistics that are conversation starters over your Graze to Raise morning tea. Importantly our road forward is through more than just advocacy, it is through support & collaboration, working with industry & the broader disability community. If there's any one thing from our Ability in Agriculture Report to take away, we don't need to anecdotally say "we believe", but we know agriculture has the ability and want for positive & proactive change. It’s the reason this incredible supportive Ability Agriculture Community has formed. National Farmers' Federation Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) Ltd Grain Growers Limited AgriFutures Australia The Weekly Times National Disability Insurance Agency
Wonderful work but don’t forget WA!
Incredible stuff Josie - really important to fill this gap in research.