Namibia’s 5th Annual Family Conference: Celebrating the Family as the Bedrock of Society The Africa Christian Professionals Forum (ACPF) extends its warm congratulations to Namibia for organizing its 5th Annual Family Conference, set to take place on December 10, 2024. This significant milestone highlights Namibia’s unwavering commitment to recognizing and upholding the family as the cornerstone of society. The family plays an essential role in nurturing individuals, fostering values, and building strong, cohesive communities. Protecting and promoting family values is a shared responsibility enshrined in national, regional, and international legal frameworks. The Namibian Constitution explicitly recognizes the family’s importance, emphasizing its role as the natural and fundamental unit of society. Article 14, for example, guarantees the right to marry and found a family, ensuring equal rights within marriage and its dissolution. It also mandates that "the family is entitled to protection by society and the State." This provision underscores the legal and societal acknowledgment of the family as a critical pillar of social stability. Similarly, the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Banjul Charter) reinforces this principle. Article 18 declares that "the family shall be the natural unit and basis of society," urging governments to protect its physical and moral well-being. It further calls on states to assist families as custodians of moral and traditional values, ensuring their centrality in preserving societal cohesion. On an international scale, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) echoes these sentiments, asserting in Article 16 that the family is "the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State." The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) also emphasize the family’s pivotal role in nurturing children and maintaining societal balance. These instruments collectively reinforce the need for strong policies that support and sustain families. We also take this opportunity to acknowledge the remarkable leadership of Mr. Avshalom, ACPF’s Country Chairperson for Namibia. His tireless efforts have been central to organizing this year’s conference, ensuring it serves as a platform to celebrate the family while addressing challenges and opportunities for its growth and resilience. As we approach December 10, 2024, the ACPF invites members from Namibia, across Africa, and around the world to participate in this vital conference. It is a unique opportunity to celebrate the family’s role as the bedrock of society, reflect on its importance, and collectively advocate for its protection. Together, let us reaffirm our commitment to promoting family values and ensuring they remain a cornerstone of our legal, cultural, and social systems. African Union United Nations
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The Power of Strong Communication and Family Relationships for Progress and Development As we gather with loved ones during the end-of-year and New Year festivities, it is a time of reflection and renewal. For many, this season brings the joy of family reunions, the warmth of shared memories, and the opportunity to strengthen bonds that sustain us throughout the year. Yet, it is also a moment to recognize the profound role that strong family relationships and communication play—not only in our personal lives but in the advancement of society as a whole. Strong communication and relationships, particularly within families, are the foundation of progress at every level of society. These bonds create an environment of trust, understanding, and shared purpose, which are critical for driving organizational performance, fostering innovation, and advancing technology. In families, open and effective communication nurtures collaboration, mutual respect, and problem-solving skills, which ripple outward to strengthen communities, organizations, and nations. Conversely, poor family networks have a profoundly negative impact on society. When family bonds weaken, social cohesion erodes, leading to a lack of guidance for younger generations, increased social unrest, and diminished national development. Families serve as the first place where values such as accountability, empathy, and resilience are cultivated—qualities that are essential for leadership and innovation. In Africa, the ubuntu philosophy—a culture rooted in interconnectedness, compassion, and the belief that "I am because we are"—offers a powerful framework for safeguarding family bonds. This cultural heritage not only strengthens familial ties but also promotes collaboration and unity across broader societal structures. Protecting and nurturing this environment of family support and ubuntu culture is critical for Africa’s growth. As we move forward into the new year, Africa must invest in policies and initiatives that promote strong family units, prioritize communication skills, and uphold the values of ubuntu. Families should be seen not merely as social units but as pivotal contributors to organizational success, societal innovation, and national progress. By preserving these bonds, Africa can unlock its full potential and ensure sustainable development for generations to come.
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Happy Universal Children's Day! 🎉 One hundred years ago, leaders from more than 50 countries gathered in Geneva, Switzerland. Their purpose: to protect the next generation after the horrors of the First World War. One woman, Eglantyne Jebb, realised that all children needed special protection and together with a group of specialists, Eglantyne wrote a set of principles to support children who had lived through the war. These principles became the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The declaration begins by saying, “Humanity owes to the child the best it has to give”. In 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defined these rights. Countries that ratify the convention enter a legally binding international agreement, which sets out the rights of a child regardless of race, nationality or abilities. Today, 196 countries have ratified the convention. Today is an important day for Compassion: a chance to reflect on the crucial, life-giving rights that belong to all children, and to renew our commitment to fulfil them in Jesus’ name. Read our blog to unpack 11 rights of the child that Compassion projects around the world are able to fulfil each week
The best we have to give: 11 rights of the child | Compassion UK
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How can placing families at the heart of politics help rebuild communities? In our latest blog, we discuss insights from The Centre for Social Justice’s May 2024 report, exploring the role of family, marriage, and community in tackling the UK’s loneliness crisis. #FamilyFirst #Community #CSJReport
Families are more Precious than Gold — Jubilee Centre
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At Fundación PLAN and in all Plan International offices around the world we are celebrating the elimination of child marriage in Colombia. The bill “Whereby child marriage, de facto marital unions and early unions in which one or both parties or permanent partners are minors are eliminated and the National Public Policy on Childhood and Adolescence is strengthened through the creation of the National Program of life projects for Children and Adolescents” is a fundamental advance in guaranteeing the protection of children and their rights, especially the right to have a life free of violence, especially for girls. Let us remember that bills of this nature had already passed through the country's legislature and had not been approved. Together with Children Villages SOS and the Alianza por la Niñez Colombiana, PLAN Colombia- Fundación PLAN promoted this law, which is a protective measure for the wellbeing and development of children and adolescents. By means of data and technical arguments, we contributed to support the relevance of the Law. We carried out a valuable articulation between the Legislative Work Units to shield the bill. The legal teams of Aldeas Infantiles and Fundación PLAN reviewed, drafted, modified and argued Bill 297. We provided legal and technical advice to the Legislative Work Unit of speaker Clara López. We co-led the participation of civil society organizations in different spaces of the United Nations. We coordinated a media strategy and a social mobilization strategy to support the bill. We joined with organizations of the Alianza por la Niñez, but also Profamilia, Women in Connection, and others to support the senators who had fears and doubts regarding the bill. With the approval of this law, Colombia settles a debt with girls and takes a step forward in the construction of a country in which no girl suffers this type of situation that fundamentally affects her integrity, her physical and mental health, and her wellbeing. We will continue to work tirelessly for the protection of children's rights and to transform their dreams into reality. This triumph would not be possible without the support of PLAN INTERNATIONAL and key offices that have supported us in this and previous attempts to eliminate child marriage in the country, I mention only a few, although there were many who supported us. Special thanks to Plan International Canada 🇨🇦Plan International Sweeden 🇸🇪 , Plan International Germany 🇩🇪 , Plan International United Kingdom 🇬🇧 , Plan International United States 🇺🇸 , Plan International Netherlands 🇳🇱 , Plan International Denmark 🇩🇰 Plan International Japan 🇯🇵 , Plan International Hong Kong 🇭🇰 , Plan International Spain 🇪🇸 and Plan International France 🇫🇷
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Another first from#Dubai. New Minister appointed by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Congratulations to the newly appointed Minister H.E Sana Mohammad Suhail Read below the main responsibilities of the ministry to understand the in depth planning and strategizing of the Prime Minister Main responsibilities Sheikh Mohammed has also outlined the main tasks of the new ministry. Its main job will be developing and implementing policies, strategies, legislation, and initiatives related to the following: Working to build stable and cohesive families and enhance the role of the family in proper upbringing. Proposing policies and initiatives to increase fertility rates among citizen families. Reducing the risks of family breakdown and its negative effects on individuals, families, and society. Preparing couples for marriage, encouraging them, and equipping them to form cohesive and connected families, as well as organizing and managing marriage support programmes and grants. Developing parenting skills and promoting work-life balance for families. Caring for, protecting, and ensuring the well-being of children by securing their social, psychological, educational, health, and developmental rights. Protecting, caring for, empowering, and integrating vulnerable and at-risk groups in society. Regulating and licensing institutions and centres that provide social programmes and services. Preparing and training personnel in the social sector and licensing professionals in this field.
UAE: Sheikh Mohammed announces new Ministry of Family
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Second Heaven Strategies Message - It's not okay to forego family gatherings over ideological disagreements. Ask The Glenns December 10th Workshop. Registration Link: If you've been watching the news this post-election holiday season, you've most likely seen the segment on the topic of family gatherings where the professional suggests that it's okay to decline the invitation. Turn it off. The holidays are here—a time for laughter, connection, and, yes, a little bit of chaos. Especially now, many of us have felt tempted to RSVP “No” to family gatherings because of that cousin’s Facebook posts or your uncle’s unsolicited political commentary. It's easy to think, “Why subject myself to the tension?” But here’s the thing: family is about more than ideological alignment. Foregoing family gatherings because of differing beliefs creates an echo chamber where only like-minded voices are welcome. That’s not healthy for us—or society. If we can’t sit across the table from family who think differently, how can we engage with the world at large? The truth is that Aunt Amy's cranberry sauce isn’t any less delicious because she votes differently, and Grandpa’s stories aren’t less meaningful because he watches a different news channel. Instead of canceling, lean in. Listen with curiosity, set boundaries if needed, and focus on what unites rather than divides. If you have an issue with family - major or contrite, legal or philosophical - Darryl and Jane Glenn encourage you to register for their December 10th, Ask The Glenns interactive workshop. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions about your specific issue and leave with knowledge, insight, ideas and other tools to apply to your situation. Workshop Topics: - Disputes Between Parents - Custody and Parenting Time - Major Decisions Regarding School, Medical, Extracurricular Activities - Other Family Disputes - Decisions Concerning Aging Parents - Strife over Family Property - Unique Disputes - Modification of Court Orders - Issues Between Parents and Children - More! Registration Link: Every month Darryl and Jane Glenn offer three workshops in their areas of expertise - family, property and work. With their combined expertise in family law, land use/property rights, workplace dynamics and public policy, along with their love for people, they can help you creatively solve just about any problem you're facing and hopefully strengthen meaningful relationships in the process. Learn more about Second Heaven Strategies, mediation and personal coaching services, and Ask the Glenns workshops today! Please share this post, Like and Follow our Second Heave Strategies Page, Join our Group and attend one of our workshops. #secondheavenstrategies @followers @highlight @everyone
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Today, on International Children's Day, we are faced with the bitter truth that children are often undervalued and overlooked in our society. The physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our young ones is being compromised due to the actions, inactions, and decisions of parents, guardians, and members of society at large. The consequences of parental and societal neglect, abuse, and indifference towards children have led to a world where young lives are physically and psychologically oppressed and disregarded. We see it in the rising numbers of child labour, poverty, hunger, and homelessness. We see it in the lack of access to quality education and healthcare. We see it in the devastating impact of war, conflict, and displacement on innocent young minds. We see it in early child marriage, where a girl who should still be playing with her dolls is forced to grow up and play the role of a wife and a mother. Many children grow up in toxic environments where they lack the love, attention, and guidance they need to become holistic adults. But today, we must renew our commitment to raising our future generation in the best way possible, bearing in mind that a holistic child makes a holistic adult. But a broken and traumatised child? 🤔 We demand a world where children are cherished, protected, and empowered. A world where their laughter, curiosity, and dreams are nurtured, not silenced. As parents, guardians, caregivers, and members of society at large, let us: 📌Advocate for policies that prioritise child well-being and ensure a safe, healthy environment for all children. 📌Hold ourselves accountable for the choices we make that impact children, both directly and indirectly. 📌Support organisations working to empower and protect children. 📌Be a voice for children who cannot speak for themselves. Let's confront the harsh truths and take collective responsibility for creating a brighter future for our children. Together, we can build a world where children are valued, loved, and given the chance to live and not just exist. #InternationalChildrensDay #ChildrensRights #EmpowerTheNextGeneration #Childrenswellbeing #UNICEF --------------------------- P.S Before you take the decision to end that marriage or you know someone who is about taking that decision, I'll recommend the book: The Effect of Divorce On Children Under The Age Of 18 by Lorenzo Barr and you will be glad you did.
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I'm always so proud of my brilliant friend, Sofia Caballero Stafford, for dedicating her kind heart, brilliant mind, and tenacious spirit to improving health outcomes for communities facing systemic disadvantage. “I trained as a doula to be able to support moms, particularly women of color who have the highest rates of preventable maternal mortality—and that’s actually increasing, not decreasing in the United States,” shares Sofia. “I really wanted to be able to serve the Spanish-speaking community in particular, and was looking for an outlet to do that.” The Doulas en Español model is centered around partnerships that allow the collective to share their expertise and cultural background and fill a gap in the maternal health system." Learn more about GoFundMe Heroes, Doulas en Español, below.
Meet Doulas en Español, our newest GoFundMe Heroes: Doulas en Español is a collective of professional, Spanish-speaking doulas providing culturally competent care to the Hispanic community in New York City—many of whom are newly arrived migrant families. With a combination of virtual programming and in-person support services, they have helped thousands of people in their journey to grow their families, and establish a life in the United States. Maya and Sofia, the women running the program, are two of the most kind-hearted, empathy-filled, visionary people I've had the pleasure of meeting—attending their birthing circle event in New York and capturing their story was a true honor. Read the story on the GoFundMe Heroes Hub:
Meet Doulas en Español
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It mentions in the #FamilyPreservation redesign discussion paper that Family Preservation services are highly rationed, the question I have is what attempts have been made to expand the resourcing commitment to family preservation services to reduce rationing!
Check out this exciting future for Family Preservation in NSW - driving a system and services that are more effective and responsive for children and families! A big thank you to all colleagues across DCJ and the Family Preservation sector for their insights and efforts over the past 18 months to build a collective understanding of the limitations in our current system, and the opportunities to keep more children safe at home with their families. We are very keen to hear your perspectives on these proposals and look forward to even more collaboration over the course of the next commissioning cycle. Special recognition of course to Jade Lane, Alira Tufui, the team at AbSec and the ACCO sector for their advocacy that has brought about the Aboriginal Family Preservation proposals. Also of course a big thanks to my team for working with open hearts and minds to develop this vision.
Family Preservation redesign and recommissioning
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