Do you know what to budget for on your elevators or escalators? The most difficult conversations I have as an account manager involve “surprise” proposals after a piece of equipment has aged out when it fails. How does the saying go? “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Talk to your account manager about your risks, what to plan for, and if you have any equipment that has risks. We will put together a detailed report for you to plan out the next 1, 5, 10 and 20 years of your elevator/escalator equipment including smaller upgrades that can prolong the life of your equipment.
Are your elevators more than 20 years old? If so, it's highly likely that they've reached their mechanical lifespan. But don't worry, we've got some good news! Schindler offers a free capital planning assessment to help you upgrade your elevators now, or over a period of time, for improved performance, more uptime, and greater peace of mind. Request a capital plan today: #schindler #schindlerelevator #weelevate #capitalplanning #planning #capitalplan #update #upgrade #elevator #elevators #verticaltransportation