You no longer need to pay an upfront battery Cost with e-rex. E-Rex provides BAAS (Battery as a Service) batteries. These batteries have an initial cost of ₹0. Yes, you heard that right! You get this battery in ₹0. This battery works on a recharge plan, just like a prepaid SIM card. The recharge plan depends on the kilometers. You can recharge the battery as needed KM. We will soon reveal detailed recharge plans. Our customers have been using this battery for the last 9 months. This is not all! The battery also comes with Advanced Failure Detection (AFD), which detects failures before they happen. Other benefits include: 1.Lifetime warranty on the battery and charger. 2.Quick charging in just 20 minutes. 3.And Many More... If you are interested in learning more about BAAS batteries and their features and benefits, let’s connect and discuss. E-Rex #BAASBattery #BatteryAsAService #ElectricVehicles #QuickCharge #ZeroUpfrontCost #RechargePlan #Lithiumbattery
Batteries are assets for Baas providers as this makes money, the tipping point though is knowing exactly how long the batteries will last, (relying on datasheet data of a certain number of cycles is not super wise). AI solutions can help with this battery problem used correctly.
Is these batteries approved with available electric vehicles on Indian Roads? If not approved with integration like OEMs have to take approval of battery +vehicle how these batteries can or be used??? Ministry of Road Transport & Highways - India
This is a fantastic option for making electric vehicles more affordable.
Congratulations Aditya. Welcome to the league...Good luck.
Congratulation Aditya Shukla
Looks great
Looks great
Chief Executive Officer at Mobilus Energies
1wBy the way life time warranty ?? What is the expected life ? Even charger ?