True story: Last night while trying to settle down to sleep at RE+, I used a method that’s been tried possibly for 100+ years. I began counting sheep backwards from 1000. As I pictured the fluffy, cuddly creatures each carefully lifting their legs to jump over the fence, I got about 20 in when my brain screamed “AGRIVOLTAICS!!!”
I realized that AGRIVOLTAICS (the practice of using the same land for both solar and agriculture) is one of the top things I want to see here at RE+ this week. (And yes, I have been promised they will have sheep at the demo). Then I thought about what else I really want to see and do while I’m here. My list is (in no priority order):
1. Anything with I2X Exchange
2. The Moss Beer Garden
3. Meet the NREL folks who are here
4. Speak on SEIA’s new federal funding portal to the Distributed Generation Division meeting
5. Purchase swag (RE+ baseball cap) from the new-this-year RE+ pop up tent
6. Walk the floor(s) of one the top largest trade shows taking place in the US this year
7. See all the awesome far flung energy colleagues I work with throughout the year who have come here in person
What are your top “must do” RE+ items this week?
Lead - Agro Supply Chain @ Agristo India | Supply Chain Management