Do you remember that Netflix conversation we had last week? 🤔 They're not just broadcasting games; they're creating entertainment experiences, all while giving us a great playbook for launches! In this week's episode we dive deeper into what brands can learn from Netflix's strategic moves. Take a peak 📺 and tell us: What are some ways you've seen brands successfully leverage the principles listed in this episode? Meet me in the comments! 🤗 #Netflix #MarketingStrategy #BrandBuilding #DigitalMarketing #BrandStrategy
Apple TV did a fun activation this weekend to prime their audience - getting audiences to stream their content for free! I feel like Apple TV have high-quality shows but locked away in another subscription, so it's a great away to open audiences' up to their content and get audiences (like me) to subscribe I gave it a go and I'm hooked on Severance ahaha Love this looking forward to the next one!
Ajalin with a mini mic >
Love this!!!
Social Content Strategist at The Goat Agency
2moVery informative! I love a new Brand Bytes episode!