Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 23 instructs the true mantra for complete devotion to the Supreme God as "Om, Tat, Sat," which Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is currently providing. Watch Debates On SA News Channel #असलीभक्ति_VS_नकलीभक्ति
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Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 23 instructs the true mantra for complete devotion to the Supreme God as "Om, Tat, Sat," which Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is currently providing. Watch Debates On SA News Channel #असलीभक्ति_VS_नकलीभक्ति
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Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 23 instructs the true mantra for complete devotion to the Supreme God as "Om, Tat, Sat," which Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is currently providing.
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Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 23 instructs the true mantra for complete devotion to the Supreme God as "Om, Tat, Sat," which Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is currently providing.
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#Iskcon_Exposed Gita Chapter 15 Verses 1-4 describe Param Akshar Purush beyond Trilok. Krishna is Trilok’s lord, not Supreme God. Know more in "Gyan Ganga." #SantRampalJiMaharaj spritual knowledge given by sant Ram pal ji bhagwan ji
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#Kabir_Is_AlmightyGod Guru Nanak Dev Ji says - The God who created Adam, that God is Kabir. To know more, visit Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj YouTube Channel True Guru Sant Rampal Ji
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#असलीभक्ति_VS_नकलीभक्ति Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 23 instructs the true mantra for complete devotion to the Supreme God as "Om, Tat, Sat," which Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is currently providing. Watch Debates On SA News Channel
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#असलीभक्ति_VS_नकलीभक्ति Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 23 instructs the true mantra for complete devotion to the Supreme God as "Om, Tat, Sat," which Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is currently providing. Watch Debates On SA News Channel
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Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Who is the Supreme God other than the one who spoke the knowledge of the Gita? To know, visit Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj YouTube Channel #Kabir_Is_AlmightyGod True Guru Sant Rampal Ji
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Nanak Ji’s life took the most important turn when he met the Supreme God Kabir on the banks of river Bein. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj highlights the sacred speeches of Nanak Ji that describe the attributes and abode of our Creator, God Kabir. This article examines these verses from Shri Guru Granth Sahib which challenge the prevailing misconceptions of God being invisible. Read more: #gurugranthsahib
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#हिन्दूधर्म_की_श्रेष्ठता Who is the Immortal God mentioned in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 17?? To know more, Visit Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj YouTube Channel Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj #GodMorningTuesday
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