Is this photo and caption anthropomorphic?
The ‘pointing finger’ of anthropomorphism has a habit of shutting things down.
The separation of people from other animals as purported in European or European-derived cultures has a lot more to do with historical events, religion and convenience, than with biology.
In fact, people in many other cultures wonder what we are talking about when we do this.
We have a lot more in common with other animals than many care to admit.
Particularly when looking at other mammals. Our basic biology is the same.
It is perfectly valid to put yourself in another animal’s place and think ‘how would I feel’
Understanding some diseases in animals can involve talking to people with the same disease, who can verbalize their experiences. That extrapolation is useful.
Non-human animals also have family, culture, means of communicating, ways of experiencing happiness, and needs for autonomy.
How would you feel if you were this bear?
Doesn’t this sort of thing need to be stopped?
Follow World Animal Protection US to learn more about our organization’s actions to end exploitation of animals. They could be your actions too!
#Anthropodenialism #wildanimalwelfare #animalwelfare
The views expressed in my posts are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer.
Bachelor's degree in Zoology at University of Buea
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