Understand the key components! In one CPD Hour with Bernie Musry. This seminar is designed to give you the crisis management skills and information to survive in one of the areas of law which gives rise to the most disputes. Understand the key components of contractual mechanisms for the treatment of latent site conditions, what can be done in various circumstances, how to approach contracting around latent conditions and when alarm bells should be ringing for professionals. #InHouseGroup3 #YourCPDprovider #Legal #DoylesConstrutionLawyers #Architects #Builders #BuildingDesigners
Save the date!On September 25, 2024, at 4:00 PM, Bernie Musry will be presenting "Latent Conditions" Discover strategies to effectively deal with unforeseen site conditions that can impact project timelines and costs. Secure your spot today! Register Here:https://zurl.co/b0VE