Yesterday and today we have discussed the findings of our #JRC exploratory research activity on ‘Sustainable #innovation and #transition pathways in #rural areas’ in a workshop with experts and regional policy-makers. We have been working on a novel approach combining research on #sustainability transitions with systemic approaches to innovation capacities, specifically focusing on rural #regions. The approach should be feasible for implementation in areas with low institutional #capacity and appropriate to support evidence-informed policy-making processes. Soooo many insights and inspirational contributions! Food for thought on how to move beyond ‘standardised’ ways of looking into #territorial transitions. Is a different metric (or a different mindset) needed to fully grasp rural innovation? Stay tuned… European Commission EU Science, Research and Innovation Michal Miedzinski Simone Sasso Markus Grillitsch Rhiannon Pugh Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins Amelie Rahbek Jerker Bexelius Cristian Matti Gloria Cugat Pujol Ricard Esparza Masana Bernardo Caldarola Diego Chavarro Tommaso Ciarli European Committee of the Regions European Rural Pact The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) AEIDL (European Association for Innovation in Local Development) European LEADER Association for Rural Development - ELARD EU CAP Network Assembly of European Regions (AER) Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Regional Studies Association Lund University Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Region Jämtland Härjedalen Generalitat de Catalunya United Nations University-MERIT Stifelsen Gaaltije OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions & Cities European Parliamentary Research Service EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies Euromontana RUSTIK GRANULAR - Giving rural actors novel data and re-useable tools to lead public action in rural areas Countryside and Community Research Institute
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss and learn together with you, it has been a pleasure! I am very much looking forward to following the rest of the project and what may emerge.
Really appreciated the pleasant and inspiring conversation, and hospitality of our friends at JRC ... and of course to get to know new perspectives and people :)
Thank you to our friends at the JRC for this great event, and great project. We from CIRCLE, Lund University are delighted to be involved, and we loved Sevilla!
Looking forward to follow this important initiative!
Innovation Advisor at European Investment Bank (EIB)
7moGreat initiative! You may want to check out