This egg was sold for $16,500,000 in 2007. And it was worth every penny... Because in the eyes of a certain Alexander Ivanov. This pink-looking egg was worth even more. To him – price is simply what you pay. But the value beneath is what you get. It’s the same with business too. Sometimes we’re afraid to charge too much. Afraid it’ll scare people away if it’s too expensive. So we compete on price, rather than value. But there’s no such thing as “too expensive”. You’re either offering it to the wrong people. Or you just don’t have something valuable enough. So talk less about what it costs. And much more about what it means for the buyer. About what it does for them. And about the total value they get from paying for it. Because that’s what they truly care about. Just like our pink-colored egg. Priceless to the right customer. But completely worthless to the wrong one. ===== There’s my two cents for you today..❤️☦️ Hope you have a great Easter celebration..🐣💥 Happy Easter!
I was going to send a pic of some eggs but I've eaten all of them 😅
It's a Russian royal egg what I remembers Alexander, Happy Easter 🐰
I help start, grow and accelerate your business. Without any BS.
8mo📌 Business Pricing Story: One of my first jobs in London was working for an IT company on Tottenham Court Road. Once a customer came in with a broken laptop - an old mac book. He liked his mac book. I suggested he buys a newer model which was much better, which would cost £1500. He insisted on repairing his old one. The repair would have costed him over £2500. It needed custom parts ordered. He decided to repair old slow mac book instead. Price was not the issue - he just wanted to keep what he liked. He didn't need faster one, a better looking one, or one with more storage. He wanted HIS macbook to work again. In today's money that would be equivalent of spending nearly £6000 on repairing an old laptop.