Just released! 🚀 OECD’s Survey of #AdultSkills out now
This survey assesses the global state of adult proficiency in literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving. These are key information-processing skills that both individuals and societies need to thrive. They are a necessary foundation for further learning and innovation, and ultimately shape economic opportunities.
31 countries and economies around the world participated in the survey.
Key findings include:
➡️ Over the past decade, average literacy proficiency has remained stable or declined in most participating countries and economies, while changes in numeracy proficiency have been more favourable.
➡️ The new OECD Survey of Adult Skills reveals that nearly one-fifth of adults are now considered low performers in literacy, numeracy and problem solving.
➡️ As industries evolve and new opportunities emerge, skills are more important than ever to face the future of work. In addition to formal education, people’s skills continue to be key drivers of employability and wages.
➡️ About a third of workers are mismatched with their jobs and being overqualified has real economic and social costs for workers. Policy action is needed to maintain, develop, recognise and value skills.
➡️ Skills are vital for success at work, but are also closely related to individual well-being (e.g. self-reported health and life satisfaction) and civic engagement (e.g. political efficacy, trust and volunteering). Many low-skilled adults feel disconnected from political processes and report lower life satisfaction than adults with higher skills.
➡️ Despite widespread education expansion over the past decade, average skills levels have not increased and gaps between highly and low-educated adults have widened.
➡️ Family and socio-economic background strongly affect skills proficiency, hindering social and economic mobility.
See OECD’s NEW Survey of Adult Skills for more insights: https://oe.cd/5QQ | #PIAAC
Stefano Scarpetta Glenda Quintini Anja Kathrin Meierkord Andreas SCHLEICHER OECD Education and Skills
Quality Education and Evaluation