Alexandre Kech’s Post

Next week, I will be in Brussels on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to attend EthCC conference. Reach out if you want to talk about the verifiable Legal Entity Identifier (vLEI). It is the only global platform-agnostic institutional grade verifiable organisational identity and credential system build on a public/private sector root of trust, the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). The Global Legal Entity Identifier System that GLEIF is orchestrating was created by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) 10 years ago and is overseen by the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC), a group of 65 regulators from all over the world. Leveraging the #vLEI as a multi-chain portable organisational ID and verifiable credential system will help solving one of the main issues slowing down the institutional and regulatory compliant adoption of blockchain: how can you be sure about the organisation you are dealing with on blockchain, whether as a counterparty to a trade, a participant to your DeFi offering, the entity behind a smart contract - be it a DeFi or token smart contract - etc. #vlei #lei #rootoftrust #blockchain #digitalasset #permissioning

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Christophe Bonte

Europe is my home, European integration my passion, EU public affairs my job, financial services, payments and digital finance my specialisation


Looking forward to our exchange!

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