🔍 How do we face challenges and build the future? Our COO Peter Kovac revealed to Forbes Slovensko more about why innovations are key to our operation, what are the biggest challenges we have faced and how cooperation with NATO works? More in the article! 👇
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And the winners of NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) Innovation Challenge for their cutting-edge solution for remote mine clearance operations are: 🥇BROSWARM, Lithuania🇱🇹 🥈Unmanned Dynamics, Lithuania🇱🇹 🥉AAEG, France🇫🇷 Congratulations! The challenge received 51 entries from thirteen countries, and the finalists presented their solutions to a panel of nine judges from NATO commands, the Lithuanian institutions, and subject matter experts. The objective of the Innovation Challenge was to develop innovative solutions for remote reconnaissance and neutralization of explosive-contaminated areas to ensure the safe passage of civilians or military formations and facilitate recovery efforts. By focusing on remote mine clearance operations, this edition of the Innovation Challenge underscores #NATO's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology for humanitarian and strategic purposes. The NATO Innovation Challenge serves as a powerful model for international cooperation in the face of global security threats, fostering collaboration between member nations, academia, and industry. We are grateful for the invaluable contribution of our partners, the Lithuania Ministry of Economy & Innovations, and the Lithuanian Agency of Innovations, in making this edition of the NATO Innovation Challenge a resounding success. Read more: #WeAreNATO #Innovation #Future #Security Inovacijų agentūra Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerija Krašto apsaugos ministerija | Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania
NATO inovacijų iššūkį laimėjo lietuvių įmonė BROSWARM
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Navigate NATO/NSPA Changes: Check out our comprehensive Q2 GovCon update
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🚨 Don't miss the latest article by Jiří BALOUN on key topics related to the upcoming Future #C2 Conference at FUTURE FORCES FORUM 2024! In this insightful piece, Jiří delves into the critical aspects of command and control (C2), which will be the focus of the Future C2 Conference (taking place on October 17th, Future Forces Forum). The event will provide a comprehensive platform to share new perspectives, experiences, and solutions in C2, fostering in-depth discussions among attendees. We are honored to welcome Admiral Nick Wheeler, Director of NATO’s Digital Staff, as the keynote speaker. His address will frame the importance of C2 from the perspective of multi-domain integration. The conference will also feature insights from high-profile experts, including Brig. Gen. Petr Šnajdárek and Brig. Gen. Vaclav Zid, touching on areas such as cyber and space domains and the digitalization of the Czech and German Armed Forces. To read Jiří’s full article and learn more about the Future C2 Conference, follow the link below! Czech Army Czech Armed Forces Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces) #FutureForces2024 #C2Conference #DigitalTransformation #CommandAndControl #DefenseInnovation #NATO #JiříBaloun
K FFF 2024 (5. část) O velení a řízení a souvisejících záležitostech bude pojednávat Future C2 konference (FFF 2024, 17. října dopoledne, Future Forces Forum (fff.global) ). Cílem konference je poskytnout nové, komplexní pohledy, zkušenosti i řešení v dané oblasti a umožnit širokou diskusi mezi účastníky. Na konferenci s velkým potěšením přivítáme jako hlavního řečníka admirála Nicka Wheelera, ředitele Digitálního štábu NATO, jež svým vystoupením zarámuje celou konferenci a význam velení a řízení z pohledu multi-doménové integrace. Své příspěvky přednesou v první části brig.gen. Petr Šnajdárek, ředitel Sekce komunikačních a informačních systémů Ministerstva obrany ČR, k situaci v dané oblasti nejen v Armádě ČR, a brig.gen. Václav Žid, zástupce ředitele Vojenského zpravodajství, který se bude zabývat kybernetickou a vesmírnou doménou a souvisejícími aspekty. Plk. Michael Fraas pak přinese jistě zajímavé zkušenosti s projektem digitalizace Bundeswehru (BW), zahájeném v roce 2023. V druhé části uslyšíme Andreye Obolenského, Rohde-Schwarz, a téma digitalizace BW z pohledu dodavatele a dále plk. Petra Hlaviznu, prorektora Univerzity obrany a vedoucího katedry, zároveň zástupce ČR v příslušném výboru NATO, který bude mluvit o elektromagnetickém prostředí a jeho prolnutí všemi doménami. Dr. Miroslav Nečas z TOVEKu se dotkne významu analýzy dat a vlivu umělé inteligence na rozhodovací proces. S očekáváním uvítáme i Martina Mesršmída, ředitele Digitální informační agentury, a jeho pohled na proces digitalizace obecně. Nakonec vystoupí Tomáš Müller, prezident české pobočky AFCEA (Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association). Na závěr každé části naši řečníci odpoví na vaše otázky v panelové diskusi.
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So does Russia want to attack NATO? No, but that is not the question. The question is whether Russia wants to defeat NATO. The answer to that is a resounding yes. The way to defeat NATO, however, is not by an open attack on the military alliance, but by undermining the principles of the current Western international order and security architecture by gradually expanding Russia's sphere of influence and pushing the United States out of Europe. If this attempt succeeds, the alliance would virtually collapse on its own, with just a little nudging. Is it realistic that this will happen at some point? We don't know, but it is certain that any further concessions by NATO will increase the chances of that happening. Not least because it is not necessary for the military organisation actually to reach this state of absolute lethargy: all it takes for disaster to occur is for Moscow to perceive that NATO is already in this state and then to be moved to action, with provocations through intelligence operations, with what it considers to be "special military operations" below the threshold of war. Until it turns out that this particular threshold is not where Moscow thought it was on the part of the West. Typically, such situations escalate into a greater war. “Does Russia want to attack NATO? That is not the real question” - my recent piece on Telex.
Meg akarja-e támadni Oroszország a NATO-t? Nem ez az igazi kérdés
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Lithuania's Team BROSWARM emerged victorious in NATO’s Allied Command Transformation Spring Innovation Challenge! 🏆🎉 Team UNMANNED DYNAMICS came second! Competing against 51 entries from 13 countries, the top 11 finalists presented innovative solutions for Remote Explosive-Contaminated Area Recognition and Neutralization. From AI and drone tech to multi-sensor systems and virtual reality, each project showcased groundbreaking approaches to mine detection and neutralization. Winners: 1. Team BROSWARM (Lithuania) 2. Team UNMANNED DYNAMICS (Lithuania) 3. Team AAEG (France) These innovations are crucial for ensuring the safe passage of civilians and military operations, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in tackling global security challenges. Initiated in 2017, the NATO Innovation Challenge fosters effective collaboration between the Alliance, academia, industry, and innovators. #NATO #InnovationChallenge #TeamBROSWARM #Lithuania #CoCreateSolutions
Sveikiname! 14-ąjį NATO inovacijų iššūkį, kuriam paraiškas pateikė daugiau nei 50 įmonių iš įvairių Aljanso valstybių, laimėjo lietuvių startuolis „BROSWARM“, vystantis išmanias išminavimo technologijas. Bendrovė buvo pripažinta geriausia tarp 10 finalininkų iš Lietuvos, JAV, Jungtinės Karalystės, Prancūzijos, Belgijos ir Latvijos. 👏 „Broswarm“ pristatė bepiločių orlaivių platformą, naudojančią duomenis iš įvairių sensorių, kuriuos apdoroja dirbtinis intelektas. Komisiją sužavėjo įmonės pasiūlytas unikalius sensorius, leidžiantis matyti objekto formą po žeme. Antroji vieta taip pat atiteko lietuviams – bendrovei „Unmanned Dynamics“, trečiąją vietą laimėjo bendrovė „AAEG“ iš Prancūzijos: https://lnkd.in/dRxGDWTr Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerija | Krašto apsaugos ministerija | Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania
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Connecting the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific: Reflections on the NATO Summit Stimson Center 16 Jul 2024 A discussion of the 2024 NATO Summit’s key outcomes, takeaways, and opportunities looking ahead, followed by a special appearance by Honorable Nobukatsu Kanehara, former Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Japan National Security Secretariat. This expert panel will reflect on the NATO Summit and assess its implications for the evolving relationship between NATO and its Indo-Pacific partners. What insights does the summit provide on the outlook for a NATO role in the Indo-Pacific? What are the drivers and opportunities for expanding cooperation? What factors might constrain further alignment or partnership? Join us for a panel discussion by Stimson experts, followed by a special guest appearance by Honorable Nobukatsu Kanehara, former Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary of National Security Secretariat during the Abe administration, to discuss Japan’s deepening relationship with NATO.
Connecting the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific: Reflections on the NATO Summit
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Your ultimate guide to industry trends: PTS 2024 GovCon Report. Insights on NATO, LOGCAP, DLA, and more 💎
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NATO has been taking its lessons from the Euro-Atlantic area to prepare for contingencies in the Indo-Pacific.
NATO’s New Mission: Keep America in, Russia Down, and China Out
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❗️Great news!!! NATO and Ukraine strengthen cooperation on innovation❗️ On Monday (5 August 2024) NATO published a summary of the new NATO-Ukraine Innovation Cooperation Roadmap, previously endorsed by NATO and Ukrainian leaders at the Washington Summit. This agreement is a significant step forward in increasing NATO-Ukraine cooperation in the field of innovation in line with its five key objectives: •helping meet Ukraine’s urgent needs through innovative solutions; •strengthening Ukraine’s innovation system and making it more resilient; •enhancing cooperation between NATO’s and Ukraine’s innovation networks; •sharing best practice on Ukrainian technologies and tactics; •bolstering NATO’s military innovation and technological change. Read more: https://lnkd.in/djwjD-3M
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This year's Almedalsveckan in Sweden - gathering political parties, civil society, academia, and the private sector for discussions on today's big issues - is the first since the country's #NATO accession. Pros, cons, challenges, and impacts of NATO membership will be much debated over the coming days. Looking forward to moderating, and quizzing, Anders Borg Jenny Elfsberg 🚀 Thomas Nilsson and Staffan Åkesson on digital defense and NATO as an accelerator of, or obstacle to, digitalization at a joint Telia and Swedish Armed Forces event 👇🏻 #Almedalsveckan #Digitalization #Cyberdefence #NATO
Panelsamtal: Sverige rustar för NATO – ett hinder eller katalysator för samhällets digitala omställning?
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Senior Account Executive NATO at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
3moHello Peter, very good description of what Aliter does at Nato and I am extremely pleased to realise many more joint projects with you at Nato. But the truth is that everything requires a team in the background and a working environment that allows innovation and flexibility.