ACE President and CEO shares some helpful tips on getting the most from your fitness tracker. Check it out ⬇️
In my latest column for US News and World Report, I provide 10 tips for using fitness trackers. When used properly, fitness trackers can help you set personalized health and fitness goals and build a supportive community of like-minded exercisers who can help empower you to pursue and achieve your goals. You can find all ten tips here: American Council on Exercise (ACE Fitness)
Interesting! 🤓🧐😊 Some trackers can measure your body temperature, perform an ECG, respiratory rate, sleep metrics and more.
Health Educator | Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health | Content Creator & Marketing Strategist | Veteran
2moGreat read here! Thanks for sharing. I also discussed finding the perfect fitness app/activity tracker on a newsletter I wrote a few months ago. Aligns perfectly with this post.