*🏆Be Proud to be A RENOVIAN 🏆*
A Company RENATUS WELLNESS started in 3rd July'2018 & just in these 4-5 Years, now achieved so many Awards & Achievement.
👉 Our Honourable CEO *Mr Subrato Dutta* is awarded with *🥉Doctorate Degree from Global University.*
👉 Our CEO is awarded as *🥈BHARAT GAURABA RATNA 2023*
👉 Our CEO is awarded with *🏅Dr. B R Ambedkar Award & International Buddha Peace Award* by Honorable Governor of West Bengal.
👉 Recently Our CEO with Our Great Scientist were invited to address 2nd GLOBAL SUMMIT on ADVANCES in EARTH SCIENCE & CLIMATE CHANGE by *PEERS ALLEY MEDIA, LONDON*. From the Global Summit Govt of Uzbekistan invited us for *🥈RED CARPET REWARD🥈* Also, Govt of *Russia, Italy & Israel* invite us to their Space Research Program
👉 Our Company with Founder Leader placed in world wide Magazine *ENTREPRENEUR FIRST, ACHIEVERS Magazine, BUSINESS OUTRECH Magazine*
👉 Our Company got the Chance to participate in *9TH WORLD AYURVEDA CONGRESS & AROGYA EXPO.*
👉 Our Company achieved *INDIAN ICON AWARD by OBLINDWINK.*
👉 Our Company achieved *INDIA BIG IMPACT AWARD*
👉 Lastly We achieved the Most Prestigious *🏆FASTEST GROWING COMPANY🏆* Award'2023
👉 Renatus Wellness New Own Office ( Not Rental) is in progress in *SIGNATURE TOWER, Bangalore*, with 12000 Sq. Feet area, the Richest Asset of India, where Other Companies only Dream.
👉 We are going to be First Indian Company to spread our *Business in Canada, Bhutan, Srilanka & Britain*
👉 Our Company recently received *2023 International Business ICON AWARD* for "Developing the Best Range of Natural Products" in COLOMBO.
*OUR RESPECTED SCIENTIST* 👉 Prof Dr Rajdeep Dutta, Scientist of the Year 2015🏆🏆
👉 We hv world class Mangosteen based Natural Chemical Free Products.
👉 All Products are passed under R&D
👉 All Our Products are tested by CRDA & approved by ETHICAL COMMETTE.
👉 Our Products are SAFE after passing over 450 Chemical Tests, Pesticides Tests, Toxin Tests,12 Pathozone Tests, 150 Heavy Metal Test & 150 Micro Tests.
👉 All Products based on Silver Naino Technology means passed through 20-30 Filteration.
👉 Our Products passed All International Parameters of Toxins & Pesticides.
👉 Sell out of *50 Lakhs+* Renatus Nova Single Product just in First 2 Years.
👉 Now we hv 9 World-class Chemical Free Miracle Products, Future Planning of 30 Products in 2023 mainly Beauty Care & 200 Products in 2024. Also step towards Farming.
👉 Mangosteen based Plant PROTEIN is only with Us, You cannot find *Lemon Flavour Protien* with any other Companies.
👉 No Consumer Complain of any Product since 6 Years.
Best Wishes
For Details, please contact
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