𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫? Many want to be leader even though not many are qualified to be so. I am often asked what it means to be a leader. I reply instead why do you want to be leader? Why should others follow you just because you want it? Here are ways to be worthy of being followed:- 1. Vision Having a vision is prerequisite. When Moses committed to take people to Promised Land, he had a vision which moved masses. When Steve Jobs wanted to build products which will change world, his team was motivated to follow suit in his vision. 2. Problem-solver A leader inevitably faces tremendous obstacles and odds stacked against him. Wanting to be a leader involved having a heart to face them all courageously and find ways through thick and thin. 3. Back A team often goofs up in critical function for no man is perfect. A leader is followed when the team is self-assured that the leader will own-up to the mistakes. It builds loyalty to know someone backs you completely. 4. Likability Nobody follows a narcissist self-obsessed person unless for pure self-interest. If you can manage complex things in high pressure situation losing control over self yet remain likable, you are worthy of being followed. ABW series. Connect Now Amit Bhagwan Wadhwani
Absolutely true
Nice pic sir Amit Bhagwan Wadhwani #realestate #business #leadership