Email statements are personal information and are normally sent to an individual’s personal email address. This is considered private information to the extent that to access the statement, you need a password. This safeguards the information and ensures that only the intended recipient can access this information. What happens then when you keep receiving e statements that are foreign to you? Think of a scenario where another person receives your e statements without your consent. This is what Maina Jackson Irungu experienced after Family Bank Ltd continuously sent him email notifications containing e statements of another customer. Despite several attempts to have the information corrected through in writing, Family Bank did not give in. the Bank only responded upon receiving a notification from the Office of the Data Commissioner Holding and reasoning of the court 🔷️The court held that email statements is personal data and by continuously sending unsolicited emails to the Complainant despite notification in writing to stop, the Respondent violated the complainant’s right to erasure. The Respondent did not comply with the complainant’s request within the stipulated 14 days in the Data Protection Act. Family Bank only complied after it received a notification from the ODPC. They therefore violated the complainant’s right to erasure and correction of information. 🔷️An enforcement notice of Kshs. 250,000 was issued against Family Bank Limited. What to do as a data controller/processor ✅️Ensure that you are accurate in the capturing of the information of the data subjects and it is up to date. ✅️Erase or rectify inaccurate data within the 14 days. #dataprotection #dataprivacy #compliance
Zak Irungu have a look
⚖️LLB finalist Certified Professional Mediatior Data Protection Researcher ANU Christian legal society leader ∆Leadership∆