Call for papers: Social studies of energy and the making and unmaking of energy resources
Date: October 30th and 31st 2024, welcoming reception October 29th
Venue: National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen
Keynote speakers:
Kristin Asdal, Professor, TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo
Gavin Bridge, Professor, Department of Geography, Durham University
Gisa Weszkalnys, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, The London School of Economics and Political Science
With the risk of climate catastrophe, energy has rightly become one of the most crucial global matters of collective concern. This, of course, has provoked vast amounts of research, not least from the growing body of literature known as social studies of energy. This main aim of this conference is to gather researchers that take the energy resource as their focal point. There is a need to pay more attention to the making and unmaking of energy resources: to understand how particular materials are made energy commodities, their various forms of economization, assetization, and greening, and the vast array of devices, modes of expertise, materials, stakeholders, social movements, and practices that participate in those processes.
With this conference we expect to consolidate a dialogue between the different strands of energy resources studies, and, perhaps more importantly, to generate an empirical research agenda where the increasing variety of energy resources can be seen comparatively. We hope that by bringing together rich case studies from various parts of the world as well as various forms of energy resources, we will be able to generate better conceptualizations of the energy resource as a particular object of inquiry, and provide a different, and hopefully, useful, form of approaching the study of energy transitions and the making of more ecologically balanced economies.
See attached Call for Papers for more details!