I write tutorials every day to help you learn Tableau. Less than 2% of you use them. They're great for reference, but not as useful as they would be if you practiced. Take the content I give you and rebuild each chart or tutorial. Put in the reps. You'll improve dramatically. NOTE: Less than 2% is a guess, but I'm fairly sure it's accurate given the comments and DMs I get.
I just did your confidence bands one & found it super helpful! I'll add that as Tata said below, Tableau is just one of the technologies I use in my job (e.g., Quickbase, R, even Excel) and all of the syntax is different between them which makes it crazy making at times. I do wish I could be in Tableau all the time bc it's so much more fun than the other techs.
I get your point. From my end, due to the nature of my job I am focusing more on learning and understanding what is feasible or how and less on actually becoming a Tableau developer. Call me lazy it's fine, I already feel I am been left behind anyways 😅
Not as good as I should be at doing them, but I have a workbook of them that I keep adding to. I don’t always comment or message either (I should, if only to thank you). Maybe, there are more like me?
Yeah, the amount of practice you put in is ridiculous and you're already a Tableau master lol.
Use it or lose it. Seriously. I spent 6 months away from Tableau while I was working for another company a couple of years ago using a different BI tool (so, while I was getting my feet under me in that other tool, Tableau sat in the corner and cried from being ignored)... and BOY, did I feel the rust when I came back. But I hit it with a vengeance, and I'm back in a position where I use Tableau daily. No rust on these gears, because I keep using my skills. You're not wrong - do the reps. Do the repeated tasks, and the practice, and the WorkoutWednesdays, and MakeoverMondays, and all the others that help you elevate.
I am extremely grateful for your videos. I used them often. Thank you again for sharing. #TableauLife
In my opinion two major reasons could be 1. Tableau not being their only job/tool they work on so it would like 15% of their work hence not bothered to learning all the advanced skills 2. It is great and valuable from your perspective but it might not solve the use case for the person
Andy Kriebel , your Tableau tutorials are very helpful to me. I learned a lot about advanced calculations and drill-down techniques, which have significantly enhanced my ability to analyze data and create more detailed, interactive reports. A huge thank you for all your efforts and passion. Wan‘t miss them
Data Visualization Expert | Tableau Visionary(4x) & Tableau Ambassador (5x) | 11 Viz of the Day Awards | 2 Vizzie Awards | Data+Love Podcast Host
8moCold messages asking for personal tutelage, training, etc is pretty typical of my experience on LinkedIn as well. I think it's just a norm of the platform, a feature not a bug.