Ask "the stupid questions"!
I was called into a company that had been around for over 75 years. It was started by people who really knew what they were doing and provided a niche service. But, they never wrote down how they did what they did.
Fast forward 75 years and add over 700 employees with no written down processes and it was no wonder they couldn't keep commitments and suffered through so much infighting.
A couple of us process mapped the whole company and created SIPOC's (look it up if you don't know) for each department.
NOBODY was more surprised about how much departments depended on each other and what they were responsible for than the people that showed up to work everyday there.
It was a great, cleansing experience to document how their business was run. It paved the way to document each process.
Whether you're running a company, department or a single program, I think everybody would benefit from NOT assuming everybody knows what to do and have the courage to ask "the stupid questions".
Replace assumptions with certainty.
When I do lollipops, I like the add the value (text) to the circle and then hide the axis. People do love numbers and it is a great combination of quick visual + number (even if it is rounded to k or m).