What's better for visualizing the #EnergyBalance in a #highperformance building - ye olde #StackedBarGraph or a #SankeyDiagram? How about - both? Here's our UI concept for #OBJECTIVE, to show flows in and out of a building in either format! #OpenBuilding
Still working on the balance equation as this tool is blind to U-and RSI-values, etc. It is just dealing in buckets of kilowatt-hours :) But eventually it will show what RSI values you will need to reach those redesign/reduction values.
This looks great
Elegant + revelatory.
Director at Thomson Architecture, Inc.
1moIf anyone wants to play with it live: https://openbuilding.ca/interactive-sankey/ Note: the initial results come from an energy model's balanced inputs/outputs, when you drag the node sliders around, it will necessarily throw the diagram out of balance because the energy model is disconnected from the flow diagram, but it shows how the eventual OBJECTIVE web app will work.