The 2nd General Assembly of the #LIFECYANOBLOOM project was held in the city of Valencia (Spain) on 22 and 23 April. It was an opportunity to review the main progress of the project and to plan the next actions.
During the first session on the 22nd, we did a review of the evolution and progress of the different activities and tasks of the project, as well as the results obtained so far, and the main challenges faced by the project and how to address them in the following tasks to be developed were analysed and discussed. It is worth highlighting the interesting advances that are being developed in the first two demonstration experiences that are currently being carried out, one in the Urrunaga reservoir (Álava) and the other in the Växjö reservoir in Sweden.
In the second session, held on the 23rd, the Bellús reservoir was visited, where another of the demonstration experiences of the project will be developed, and where it was possible to see first-hand the current problems presented by this reservoir, and how LIFE CYANOBLOOM is going to offer the best solution adapted to its characteristics. A meeting was held at this reservoir with the reservoir’s management bodies, who expressed their interest in participating in the LIFE CYANOBLOOM project, as they see it as a promising opportunity to tackle the problems of cyanobacterial blooms that they have been suffering in recent times.
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#LIFEProgramme #WaterReuseEU #WaterPotableEU #EUBiodiversity #Natura2000 #EUGreenDeal #SustainableFinanceEU
Fantastic collaboration, as always! 💪