A very timely article from Roger Ballentine - making the case that the rules and expectations for Scope 3 emissions should focus more squarely on incentivising, enabling and optimising actual beneficial climate impact - including by enabling market-based approaches. Absolutely!
Calling all Scope 3 "fans"! I'm very pleased that my latest peer-reviewed paper on greenhouse gas accounting has gone live. While my last paper, published by Oxford press, (see earlier post) covered the broader landscape of how GHG accounting rules and the rules of key leadership programs like SBTi are actually undercutting the contributions that the private sector might otherwise make to mitigating climate change, this paper goes deeper into Scope 3 accounting and its treatment by leadership programs. Bottom line -- anyone who cares deeply about climate change should be very dissatisfied with the status quo. It is true that this week SBTi seemed to indicate it is moving in a more positive direction (inching toward the type of recommendations from my last paper and this one), but change is not happening fast enough. Hope folks will take a look. https://lnkd.in/eWibkeMb